Percentage Calculator
What is
% of
is what % of
% of what?
Percentage Calculator
Quickly Calculate Percentages with Ease
The Percentage Calculator helps you solve various percentage-based calculations instantly. Whether you need to find a percentage of a number, calculate percentage increase/decrease, or determine what percent one number is of another, this tool makes it simple.
🔹 How to Use This Tool?
- Select the Calculation Type:
- What is X% of Y?
- X is what percent of Y?
- Percentage increase/decrease from X to Y
- Enter the required values in the input fields.
- Click Calculate to get the result instantly.
🔹 Available Calculations
✅ Find a percentage of a number → What is 20% of 150?
✅ Find what percent one number is of another → 50 is what percent of 200?
✅ Calculate percentage change → Increase from 100 to 120 (or decrease from 120 to 100).
🔹 Features
✔️ Multiple percentage calculations in one tool
✔️ User-friendly interface with instant results
✔️ Works with decimals and whole numbers
✔️ Useful for finance, business, education, and daily life
Try it now and calculate percentages effortlessly! 🚀