Days Calculator

Days Calculator

Calculate the Number of Days Between Two Dates

The Days Calculator is a quick and easy tool to determine the total number of days between two dates. Whether you're counting days for deadlines, events, or project timelines, this tool provides instant and accurate results.

🔹 How to Use This Tool?

  1. Enter the Start Date (e.g., January 1, 2024).
  2. Enter the End Date (e.g., December 31, 2024).
  3. Click Calculate to see:
    • Total number of days between the two dates.
    • Option to include or exclude the start/end date.

🔹 Features

✔️ Instant and precise day calculations
✔️ Works for past, present, and future dates
✔️ Option to include/exclude weekends or holidays
✔️ Useful for scheduling, contracts, and countdowns

Try it now and count days effortlessly! 🚀

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