Age Calculator
Age Calculator
Instantly Calculate Your Age in Years, Months, and Days
The Age Calculator helps you determine your exact age from your birthdate. Whether you need to calculate age for official purposes, find out how many days you've lived, or check the difference between two dates, this tool provides accurate results instantly.
🔹 How to Use This Tool?
- Enter Your Date of Birth in the input field.
- Enter Another Date to calculate age difference.
- Click Calculate to see:
- Your Age in Years, Months, and Days
- Total Days, Weeks, and Months Lived
- Upcoming Birthday Countdown
🔹 Features
✔️ Instant age calculation with detailed breakdown
✔️ Age difference calculator (between two dates)
✔️ Upcoming birthday countdown
✔️ Accurate results for leap years
✔️ Works with past and future dates
Try it now and calculate your age instantly! 🚀