URL Decode

URL Decode

Convert Encoded URLs Back to Readable Text

The URL Decode tool helps you convert percent-encoded URLs back into a human-readable format, making it easier to understand and edit links.

🔹 How to Use This Tool?

  1. Enter the encoded URL in the input box.
  2. Click "Decode" to convert it back to normal text.
  3. Copy or download the decoded result.

🔹 Example

Input (Encoded URL):


Output (Decoded Text):

https://example.com/search?query=hello world & category=tools

🔹 Features

✔️ Decodes percent-encoded URLs to readable text
✔️ Helps fix and debug encoded links
✔️ One-click copy and download
✔️ Fast and easy to use

🔹 Why Use This Tool?

  • Understand encoded URLs easily
  • Fix incorrectly encoded links
  • Extract readable data from URLs

Try the URL Decode tool now and make your URLs human-friendly! 🚀

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